Woman Overboard (DIGITAL)


A clear and practical handbook to why we avoid difficult conversations and HOW to prepare for having healthy conversations about what we need.

54 pages. Includes fillable workbook pages.
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Woman Overboard!: Six Ways Women Avoid Conflict And One Way To Live Drama-Free

Every woman wants to be well-liked, but in trying to please everyone and prevent hurt feelings, we often end up creating the very drama we were seeking to avoid.

In this book you will learn:

  • How escaping awareness about our needs that are in conflict with other people’s needs leads us into mind-numbing overwhelm.
  • Why distracting from difficult conversations keeps us confused and powerless to change the situation.
  • How we beat ourselves up to try to conform to what other people expect of us and yet still never manage to adapt enough to make everyone happy.
  • Why trying to “Nice-over” your irritations leads to the exact type of teeth-clenching passive-aggression that everyone hates.
  • How not taking accountability for getting your needs met leads you to blaming others and perpetuating the drama cycle.
  • Why all of these unsuccessful avoidance techniques ultimately lead to completely disconnecting from the truth of who you are and walking through life shut down.
  • And most importantly, how to take your happiness into your own hands by stopping the drama and self-sabotage and speaking up with power, authenticity and compassion.

This book is for women who are ready to disarm their triggers around conflict and step fully into their personal and professional leadership. Psychotherapist Rachel Alexandria guides readers to free themselves of resentments and bring their clear desires into the light.

Advance Praise

I am so happy that this ‘gold mine’ material is finally in book form and accessible to the world. As a recovering ‘Good Girl’ who directly coaches many women, I can tell you that Rachel has created a profound process that guides women to understanding what happens inside of them during triggering events and potential difficult situations so that ‘conflict’ (or the idea of it) no longer has to be so debilitating or all consuming of our energy. I will be giving my clients this book. It’s an easy read full of takeaways, wisdom, reflective space, and workable strategies.
~ Regena Garrepy, CEO of Reclaim Your Essence and the Bye-Bye Good Girl Getaways

Rachel Alexandria is a soul surgeon who uses her compassion, education, and experience to identify and excise the problem women have with conflict. Woman Overboard is warm, direct, practical and helpful. Much like the woman herself. This recovering ‘Good Girl’ can’t wait to read it again!
~ Leslie Irish Evans, author of Peeling Mom Off the Ceiling

Women Overboard takes a tough subject like conflict and makes it approachable and even fun. This book feels like you’re having an intimate conversation with smartest and best girlfriend who has the best advice about your most difficult relationships. Rachel Alexandria has developed an innovative and practical approach to conflict that truly helps women navigate the rough waters of conflict.
~ Michelle Mazur, Ph.D., CEO of Communication Rebel

Woman Overboard! is a long overdue conversation for all women. It is the conversation of reclaiming our Self and living whole and confidently free in the world! Every woman (and the men who love them) of every age should read this! I can’t wait to own a copy and use it with my clients.””
~ Loretta Crawford Kissel, Artistic Systems Therapist and CCO of Spirals of Freedom Healing Arts Center

Breaking down complex principles into easy to digest bits of information is a skill and one that’s quite evident in this wonderfully easy read. You won’t get bogged down trying to figure out where the book is going and how this applies to your life. Quite the contrary, as Rachel Alexandria takes you on a smooth yet profound ride into the journey of life.
~ Josh Becker, Speaker, Author, Mindfulness Teacher


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