Aren’t You Tired of Doing This Alone ?
Buffy had Giles.
Harry had Dumbledore.
Luke had Obi-Wan…
Who’s guiding you on your epic journey?
If you’re the type of person people envy because of the way your life looks on the outside…
But on the inside you…
- Feel empty, icky, ambivalent, or lost
- Struggle dealing with “messes” in your home, career, relationships or health
- Have no idea what you want anymore
- Wish you felt more alive and engaged in life
- Feel like everything is out of control
- Feel guilty all the dang time without really knowing why
You struggle even though…
You’ve accomplished a lot in life to be proud of and you might even have surpassed what you believed was possible…
You know there’s more for you than what you are experiencing right now. If you only had clarity about what you wanted, you’re sure you could make it happen, like you’ve done so many times before…
When seekers and high performers go it alone, they often…
- Find it difficult to trust their intuition or gut feelings
- Are tired of dealing with constant conflict at work or at home
- Think their way through life instead of feel their way through
- Feel guilty all the dang time about almost everything
- Find it nearly impossible to relax or de-stress
- Feel ambivalent or apathetic towards their life, despite achieving a high level of success
- Resist taking care of themselves even though they feel like crap
- Find it difficult to end toxic relationships and leave soul crushing careers
- Have no idea what they want anymore
- Lack a sense of meaning or purpose in their lives
- Want to create a different/better life for themselves but don’t know where to start
Reviews from Clients
If your life looks great on the outside, but feels like crap on the inside,
let’s talk.
No pressure, no pushing. Let’s just connect and see what happens.
But something (or someone) is blocking the way that you can’t quite put your finger on…
And if you only knew how, you’d face it, deal with it and move on…
Because let’s be honest.
You’ve handled abceverything this far in life alone, so you’ll find a way through this… somehow. At least, that’s what you keep telling yourself.
I see you.
You’re bold. You’re brave. And you appreciate a good challenge.
You don’t want to spend years in therapy…
And you need more than just a coach…
You need someone who understands and has faced the types of challenges you face…
Someone who gets you and will walk alongside you…
Who can provide answers and help you course correct quickly.
But not just any guide will do for someone like you. You don’t have time for platitudes or generic “life” hacks. Hell, you don’t even want a cheerleader. You want real tools and a clear plan to get from where you are to where you’re meant to be…
And to be gently yet confidently guided (without judgment) by someone who won’t let you give in or give up on yourself…
Who sees the YOU you were meant to be without all the baggage, inner criticism and secret messes that distract you from what you really want to pursue.
The journey someone like you embarks upon is too important to walk alone. Rising to what you’re meant for means surrendering all that keeps you from diving deep, stepping up and taking control of your life.
And that feels scary AF and takes loads of courage.
Just think about all of the people you’ll disappoint by no longer being their rock
And all the promises you’ll have to break to lead your life from a place of joy, excitement and conviction.
And all the times you’ll have to say NO to BS and yes to what’s really important to you…
Because you’re not here just to get by…
You’re here to feel alive, deeply satisfied and responsible for your life. You’re here to become the person you know deep inside you were born to be.
You’ve believed for a long, long time that you had to walk this path alone because no one really understands what it’s like to be you. And sure, that worked for you up until now. But if that still worked, you wouldn’t be here, seeking a guide to deal with what stands in the way of the person you are today and the kind of person you know you can be.
If your life looks great on the outside, but feels like crap on the inside,
let’s talk.
No pressure, no pushing. Let’s just connect and see what happens.
Hey there! I’m Rachel and
I want you to know You’re Not Alone
Black sheep. Highly sensitive person. Empath. Outsider.
High performers with a sensitive side have a challenging path to navigate in a world that loves labels. Because we stand out in front of others, we are often hard on ourselves and find it difficult to feel a sense of belonging and deep connection with others. We lose our own connection to self and also often fall hard for labels and the shame that comes attached to them.
I get it!
More than a coach or a therapist, I’ve facilitated and witnessed radical transformations take place in less than an hour on countless occasions. This is how I became dubbed a Soul Medic.
Using a variety of tools and methods both in the energetic field and therapeutic model, I provide a unique holistic approach to moving people out of the mental, emotional and energetic blocks that keep them stuck and dissatisfied in life. I see people as they are without all the bullshit, dysfunction and hidden messes they avoid. My unique gift is intuitively seeing the ways people are blocked from the truth of who they are and helping them move out of those blocks quicker. Liberating them from shame and guilt while gently guiding them to realign their energy and purpose with who they really are.
When you take this inner soul journey with me, you’ll free yourself of the BS, dysfunction and hidden messes so you feel safe in diving deep, stepping up and taking control of your life.
If your life looks great on the outside, but feels like crap on the inside,
let’s talk.
No pressure, no pushing. Let’s just connect and see what happens.
I want you to know… You’re Not Broken
Who will be there for you every step of the way…
So you become the YOU you always knew you could be.
Whether you’re working on getting that promotion, launching a new venture, starting a new career, or clearing out whatever (or whoever) is in the way of you becoming stronger, more confident and more engaged in your life, I’m your guide.
Due to the personal nature and scope of my work, I can only serve a small number of individual clients at a time, which allows me to be consistently available and offer the quality and time commitment my clients deserve. I offer 3 or 6-month guidance packages which include weekly strategy and transformational sessions in addition to on-call support.
If your life looks great on the outside, but feels like crap on the inside,
let’s talk.
No pressure, no pushing. Let’s just connect and see what happens.