Infusing Magic for

Real Life Shifts

One Session with Me Can Set You Free

Got a burning question related to a specific situation, issue or opportunity?

Know something is blocking you but you just can’t seem to put a finger on it?

Dealing with a difficult person or problem that you wish would just go away?

Feeling stuck in a certain area of your life – finances, romance, career – and no matter how hard you try to change it, the problem just keeps showing up?

It’s time to infuse a little magic in your life!

Gain personal insights, experience energetic shifts and receive the intuitive messages you need to address and deal with a specific situation, issue or problem in as little as 60 minutes.

Now, that’s a bold claim and you might be thinking this sounds too good to be a real thing…

You’re smart for questioning and even doubting this works.

Because you’ve been “conditioned” to believe that it has to take days, months and even years to find your answers…

Well, that’s a bunch of bologna.

And why I left my practice as a licensed psychotherapist years ago.

Because the truth is, you don’t have to spend years in therapy to get answers to immediate issues, situations and problems you are facing right now.

You can get answers fast when you have access to an intuitive guide who has the right tools and knows how to ask the right questions.

Reviews from Clients

The anxiety we worked on is not nearly as strong of a physical presence around my diaphragm, and breathing is easier. The next day, I felt taller--so much so I wished I could have raised my standing desk while working. I feel less rigid when working with my kid's challenges, too.


It doesn’t seem like much time, but it was just perfect. So many insights and it really got to the root of what was bugging me. I could totally feel your energy and the healing coming through. You have a beautiful caring spirit. Thanks so much!


"Rachel embodies a well rounded toolbox that includes practical and energetic/spiritual experiences and knowledge that can help guide others and even open doorways. I think of her as a magical guidance counselor who kicked open a doorway for me after only one session."


"I had my first flare-up of asthma and nothing was working. Over months, I was taking many medications and still barely had the energy to live my life -- it was miserable. I constantly felt sick and exhausted. Then, Rachel did a body scan during a Magic session and after doing some research to understand what she found, she suggested acupuncture. Just two weeks later, I felt human again. A few weeks after that, I felt normal for the first time in months. I’m so grateful for Rachel as she gave me my life back!"

Sam G

"Before our session, I had such an emotional burden that I felt like I couldn’t fully inhale. Like IMMEDIATELY after we did the Magic session, I took a deep breath in and felt my lungs expand massively. And the results have stayed! I suspect people at yoga are wowed by my deep breathing. LOL!"


"Just received an AMAZING session from Rachel. Holy wow-ness! Seriously, that session blew me away! I feel like a toasted marshmallow: crispy, burnt and totally fluffed out. Zzzz…"


I had been struggling making a certain amount of money for years. No matter how hard I worked or how many opportunities came my way, nothing seemed to result in making the money I wanted. There was a stuckness in me but I couldn't quite figure out how to clear it or where it came from. After just thirty minutes with Rachel, she was able to pinpoint where I was blocked AND helped me clear the stuck energy. She also asked me a question that seemed totally unrelated to my issue at the time. But after doing as she advised, I was delightfully surprised to discover the connection between money and the practice of receiving. A few days after our session, I launched a new course and immediately got several sales! So, her magic session worked! I highly recommend a Magic Session for anyone who feels blocked and wants to make a quick shift that leads to tangible results.

Kelly L.

“Working with Rachel Alexandria has changed my life. If you haven’t had the opportunity to talk with her, please do yourself a favor and get to know her.”


“After our Magic Session, when I have thoughts of that part of my life, they don't hurt anymore. I'm able to move on and not dwell on them (and not beat myself up about it). I needed to forgive myself and didn't know how. Rachel showed me how and that it's ok to forgive myself. Thank you so very much.”


Powerful, Practical and Proven Tools that Work Like Magic

I call these sessions magic because shifts happen fast and often.

In fact, I’ve witnessed radical transformations occur in real people with all kinds of issues in as little as 60 minutes.

Whether they were tired of dealing with the same type of partner, the same level of income, or the same types of family drama…

Whether they were facing a major health, career or identity crisis…
Whether they felt blocked or stuck in an area of their life…

Or whether they simply weren’t “feeling” anything anymore…

In just one 60-Minute Magic Session, they were able to “see” and “feel” things that had been hidden.

They were able to shift the lens of perspective that opened them up to positive possibilities and empowering options.

They were able to transform the stuck energy so they felt confident in taking the next step.

Radical. Change. Fast.

Only $325

Before our session, I had such an emotional burden that I felt like I couldn’t fully inhale. Like IMMEDIATELY after we did the Magic session, I took a deep breath in and felt my lungs expand massively.

Magic Session Client

How a Magic Session Works

Step: 1

Book your session and you’ll receive a confirmation email with details for what to expect and how to connect with me via Zoom on the day of your session.

Step: 2

During our 30 or 60 minute super-charged session, you’ll share what issue, problem or situation you want to shift and transform. I’ll ask you a few clarifying questions to help me gain a deeper understanding regarding the issue, problem or situation.

Step: 3

Using a variety of metaphysical, psychological and intuitive tools, I’ll gently guide you to go deeper to explore and uncover what’s getting in the way, or what might be keeping you stuck so you:

  • gain new insights about yourself and the issue you face
  • open yourself to self-discoveries that support the shift you seek
  • flush out any ancestral burdens
  • get energy moving through your chakras so you feel grounded, clear headed, relaxed, and strong
  • boost your confidence in taking the next steps
  • feel more in control of how you respond and deal with the present issue or situation

You’ll leave this session with a personalized ritual and integration plan so you can keep the magic flowing in your daily life.

A Magic Session is Perfect for You If…

  • You have a pretty good idea about what the issue, situation or problem is that you want to shift
  • You are open to the possibility of shifting an emotion, state of being or thinking quickly
  • You are willing to be 100% honest about how you feel even if it sounds “bad” or “wrong”
  • You take full responsibility for how you feel, think and act
  • You are willing to accept that you have the power to change
Magic Sessions are NOT a good fit for you if you aren’t ready to face what’s not working, you aren’t willing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and you aren’t open to taking full responsibility for your life.

Only $325

Reviews from Clients

"I had my first flare-up of asthma and nothing was working. Over months, I was taking many medications and still barely had the energy to live my life -- it was miserable. I constantly felt sick and exhausted. Then, Rachel did a body scan during a Magic session and after doing some research to understand what she found, she suggested acupuncture. Just two weeks later, I felt human again. A few weeks after that, I felt normal for the first time in months. I’m so grateful for Rachel as she gave me my life back!"

Sam G

"Rachel embodies a well rounded toolbox that includes practical and energetic/spiritual experiences and knowledge that can help guide others and even open doorways. I think of her as a magical guidance counselor who kicked open a doorway for me after only one session."


“Working with Rachel Alexandria has changed my life. If you haven’t had the opportunity to talk with her, please do yourself a favor and get to know her.”


"Before our session, I had such an emotional burden that I felt like I couldn’t fully inhale. Like IMMEDIATELY after we did the Magic session, I took a deep breath in and felt my lungs expand massively. And the results have stayed! I suspect people at yoga are wowed by my deep breathing. LOL!"


I had been struggling making a certain amount of money for years. No matter how hard I worked or how many opportunities came my way, nothing seemed to result in making the money I wanted. There was a stuckness in me but I couldn't quite figure out how to clear it or where it came from. After just thirty minutes with Rachel, she was able to pinpoint where I was blocked AND helped me clear the stuck energy. She also asked me a question that seemed totally unrelated to my issue at the time. But after doing as she advised, I was delightfully surprised to discover the connection between money and the practice of receiving. A few days after our session, I launched a new course and immediately got several sales! So, her magic session worked! I highly recommend a Magic Session for anyone who feels blocked and wants to make a quick shift that leads to tangible results.

Kelly L.

The anxiety we worked on is not nearly as strong of a physical presence around my diaphragm, and breathing is easier. The next day, I felt taller--so much so I wished I could have raised my standing desk while working. I feel less rigid when working with my kid's challenges, too.


"Just received an AMAZING session from Rachel. Holy wow-ness! Seriously, that session blew me away! I feel like a toasted marshmallow: crispy, burnt and totally fluffed out. Zzzz…"


“After our Magic Session, when I have thoughts of that part of my life, they don't hurt anymore. I'm able to move on and not dwell on them (and not beat myself up about it). I needed to forgive myself and didn't know how. Rachel showed me how and that it's ok to forgive myself. Thank you so very much.”


It doesn’t seem like much time, but it was just perfect. So many insights and it really got to the root of what was bugging me. I could totally feel your energy and the healing coming through. You have a beautiful caring spirit. Thanks so much!


What You’ll Experience

During and after your session, you’ll:

  • feel a deep sense of relief and relaxation that allows you to “see” all the options
  • gain self-discovery insights that shift how you think, feel, and react to the issue, problem or situation
  • hone in on exactly what you need to know and act on right now
  • clear what’s stuck or blocked that’s getting in the way
  • flush out any ancestral burdens
  • receive intuitive messages more clearly
  • get clarity and feel confident in taking the next step

Infusing Magic for Real Life Shifts

One Session with Me Can Set You Free

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