Soul Constellations


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Upcoming IN-PERSON Workshops

In-Person Constellations – San Diego $60

Saturday February 15th, 2025
11:00am – 2:00pm
Register Here

Sorrento Valley neighborhood.
Private address provided upon registration.

In-Person Constellations – San Diego $60

Saturday March 9th, 2025
12:00am – 3:00pm
Register Here

University Heights neighborhood.
Private address provided upon registration.

Upcoming ONLINE Workshops

March 16, 2025: 1pm – 4pm
Theme: Restoration
Register Here

May 4, 2025: 1pm – 4pm
Theme: TBA
Register Here

NEW EVENT – Soul Language & Soul Constellations
April 18th – 12pm pacific – ONLINE
Registration Opening Soon

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Soul Constellations

with Rachel Alexandria

Come explore the hidden forces that influence your life via Soul and Family Constellations. These forces can appear as health issues, feeling stuck, anxiety or depression, and behavioral issues that affect your career, relationships, finances and overall wellbeing.

What is a Constellations workshop?

Soul and Family Constellations is a phenomenological and therapeutic method of looking at any system (a family, an organization, your own body) using people from the group as representatives. This way we can reveal what is currently TRUE via a 3D experience of the players and their dynamics.

Using this map of the issue, we can figure out where the blockages are and untangle them. This modality helps pinpoint the root cause of systemic problems that have often plagued your family for generations.

By stepping into the “Knowing Field” of the Constellation, you can speak to what’s been unspoken and find opportunities for clarity and deep healing.

What happens during a Constellations workshop?

It can vary based on the group who gathers, but most often, we will start with a group exercise so everyone can have a little taste of connecting to the Knowing Field. Then we progress to individual client Constellations, where there will be one person at a time addressing a concern, and the other attendees will be invited to be Representatives in that client’s Constellation. Representatives can stand in as family members, former partners, colleagues or even non-personal things like body organs or a country of origin or abstract concepts like “Money.”

People who attend often tell me that this work blows their minds or changes their lives, both as a client receiving a Constellation and as a Representative. I facilitate because doing this work, I believe, allows us to encounter aspects of the Divine, through finding deep truth and experiencing loving connections that have survived even death.

All of this will be well-explained and facilitated in a safe and non-judgmental way by trained Constellations Facilitator Rachel Alexandria. All participation is voluntary during the entire workshop, and this group provides a safe space where all that is shared is held as confidential and sacred.

Why Does This Work ?

Through the centuries of human history, you can find examples of people honoring their ancestors. People often talk about how a child looks like a great grandfather, or how someone reminds them of behaviors of a past elder.

Science is now starting to be able to explain that we DO, in fact, carry more than just looks and preferences from our ancestors.* We also carry their trauma. It can alter our genes and shape our behaviors. And when we are burdened with that baggage, we don’t have much room for their blessings.

Through Constellations work, we can connect with the energy of your family through YOU and resource your ancestors so you can let go of their baggage. Then you will be free to receive their blessings to prosper beyond what they could do.

* Reference:How Trauma Is Carried Across Generations

Reviews from Clients

"I’m so happy to report that the unconscious curling-in my body has been doing for years stopped after the Constellation! When the client started describing the topic of her constellation I knew that my experience with the same medical procedure was the source of my “fetal curling” body response. And it worked perfectly, because I would not have figured that out in a thousand guesses. Last time I attended, I wanted a reprieve from persistent intrusive thoughts, and got it! I trust I’ll get what I need from Soul Constellations and I no longer care about understanding it intellectually, or making sense of the origin, so via group magic is just fine with me!"


"Constellations was transformative for me. I feel like I'm living in a whole new dimension now.”

Ginger H.

"Wow, this is like spiritual improv."


"This blew my mind. I got so much insight in that short amount of time. OMG, this was amazing."


Soul constellations with Rachel helped me tremendously in finding peace and greater understanding in my relationship with my father. I went in skeptical of what could be achieved with a group of strangers, but what occurred was amazing! I gained so much insight into my dad’s point of view and experience. My eyes opened and slowly I became able to accept his limitations and that he is actually doing his best to love me. Now I feel less tension and more peace in my dynamic with him. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who’s curious about trying it and has a relationship they would like to be different.


"Up until my first Constellation with Rachel, there was a massive divide between my mom and I. Throughout my lifetime I was her "pawn", her emotional support and her "world" in between her alcohol abuse and her dysfunctional relationships with men. I remember feeling terrified that her need would completely consume me. It was awful! I came to Constellations to be part of the amazing experience. It's such a mysterious process but so much unraveled that day! I had no idea how much until time passed and my relationship with my mother began to slowly heal, really without even trying. What transpired felt like a miracle. My mother began to find her own support, her own community of friends and other women. She decided to start taking better care of herself and she released her grip on me. Honestly, I never thought I would experience this with her. Although our relationship isn't perfect, it is one that feels much more functional today. Truly, this is nothing short of a miracle!"


Meet your Facilitator

Soul Constellations are facilitated by Rachel Alexandria, MFA, MA Former psychotherapist turned metaphysical teacher Certified Constellations Facilitator since 2010 by the Seattle Constellations Institute.

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