“I can’t believe what’s in the news this week! This is so scary! I don’t even know how to go on with my life as usual when everything is so messed up…”
I’m sending this a couple days early because, well, I know how you’re probably feeling — upset, terrified, and shaky.
I really get it.
We are going through very rocky times, globally, and it’s upsetting for pretty much everyone. If you’re strongly empathetic and/or in a marginalized group, you’re likely having an even harder time staying centered.
One of my business friends wondered how people were able to handle it; how could we keep moving on with “regular life” when there are so many emotional earthquakes going on.
I’m reminded of the quote that became my mantra when I went through a really Difficult Time after my divorce.
nothing to hang on to, no parachute.
The good news is, there’s no ground.”
― Chögyam Trungpa

As a high performer myself, I always instinctively reach to be in control. And when things are NOT within my control, as most things are not, I remind myself that there is no ground.
We can’t do anything useful from a freaked out nervous system. Calming our systems allows us to think more clearly, and from there we make smarter decisions and take more effective actions.
There are other tactics and tools that I lean on to recreate safety in my nervous system: things like tapping, releasing O.P.E., calling in my own spiritual support, and getting physically active. This is what I CAN control, and what I’ve learned helps.