“I’ve been working sooo hard for months, but I’m still not receiving what I want!”
Usually I start an email sharing a client story, but this was ME, crying to my teacher recently.
I share it because I know it’s you, too. We are all putting in the energy and time and effort, yet not getting back the relief and ease of what we need.
Here’s the problem: For us high performers, working HARDER is NOT the solution.

We don’t need to check off more tasks or have more reminders or hustle harder.
We need to receive more love.
The key to this is the OPPOSITE energy of hustling and seeking. It is instead opening and surrendering and welcoming in.
I can hear a few of you being like “ew yuck that sounds vulnerable!” Well, yeah, babe. It is.
This one is hard to put into words, so I recorded a quick video for you as I am sitting in the energy of Being Held by Spirit.
For a little dose of this easeful feeling, click to watch below.

I hope you’ll take a few moments right now to just BE loved.