I went to a really cool meditation experience and I felt so much better after. But a couple days later, I’m back in my hole feeling stuck. Why didn’t that last?
Have you ever gone through a spiritual or transformational experience and felt loads lighter afterward. Maybe you released something or got some kind of clarity you’ve been seeking for ages. It’s truly a phenomenal experience.
But then “real” life comes creeping back in, along with anxiety and fear and frustration. What gives? Was that not actually a true healing experience? Why didn’t that feeling stay?!
Art Credit: Simon Super Rabbit
I love a transformational experience more than anyone. I’ve made this work my life, whether it’s with tapping or energy healing or IFS or Soul Constellations. But these experiences are not a permanent state of being.
Growth comes from what you practice.
A lot of people are looking for a magic bullet that solves their suffering. Every worthwhile spiritual teacher will tell you there’s no such thing, but we keep hoping there is.
Accepting that the power of transformational experiences will fade over time means that we have to learn how to weave them into our lives with consistency and conscious practice.
Whatever pieces of your growth are working for you, I invite you to commit to working them. Make a contract with yourself that even when you don’t feel like you need them, you will keep practicing them.
My private clients make a lot of progress in their growth, and it sticks because more than anything, I’m helping them practice their work. If you’re seeking growth that lasts, let’s talk.