What’s Your Secret Mess?
"My house is currently a nightmare." "No one in my family is talking to each other right now." "I'm in a lot of credit card debt, even though I make plenty of money. I am terrified to look at my finances." Being a therapist(ish) for 17 years, I have heard a lot of...
Does This Energy Belong to You?
"I can't let go of this disappointment I feel towards my brother. Our parents taught us better than that." I was coaching someone who was planning a difficult conversation with her brother and she kept getting blended with the way her parents felt about him. It was in...
Your Three Choices When You’re Not Getting What You Want
Most of us are not going to get everything we ever wanted. You might think this is a bummer of a topic to start the year off with. But hear me out—accepting that we don't get everything we want is THE WAY to get out of constant suffering. Art Credit:...
Why Is It So Hard To Talk About What We Need?
"I don't know what I need right now."Someone sitting in my Soul School hotseat is struggling through a healing process and I ask what they need in that moment. And they can't tell me. This is remarkably common. Most people do NOT know what they need, especially when...
Grief and The Limit to Caring
"I want to care, but I just don't right now." Have you experienced the apathy that comes with extra stress or grief? People have a limited amount of care they can invest in life tasks. When we are are processing something big, like grief, we don't have as much ability...
Whips or Teddy Bears?
"Ugh, I feel so frustrated with myself! I just want my parts to cooperate." After you've been working on yourself for a few years, you may get annoyed with yourself when you keep doing a behavior you already know isn't helpful. You've already done so much to correct...
The Two Choices You Have In Any Conflict
"I was pretty irritated, but it was gonna be a a whole thing if I brought it up, so I just swallowed it." Our lives are full of petty frustrations with other people, ranging from basically insignificant all the way up to serious conflicts. How do you tend to respond...
Why You Should Stop Keeping Your Feelings to Yourself
"I really don't like it when he buys me perfume, but I can't tell him that. He'll be so sad." "I feel guilty that I'm not helping my friend, so when they mention their need, I just politely nod and then change the topic." "I say I'm good with whatever the group...
How Do We Make Sure We Learn From Our Mistakes?
I talked with someone last week who was very invested in making sure he was learning from his failures. "Great idea," I said, "but how are you doing that?" He had no answer. How many times in life do we walk down a street with a hole in it, and end up falling in the...
When Help Doesn’t Help
"I finally made an appointment with that doctor, and they just prescribed me the same thing I was already taking." "This is the third therapist I've tried and I'm not feeling any better." "I've asked everyone I can think of for one seems to know what to do."...
If your life looks great on the outside, but feels like crap on the inside,
let’s talk.
No pressure, no pushing. Let’s just connect and see what happens.